The new Lord of the Rings movie takes place hundreds of years after the events of the original trilogy. The story follows a young hobbit named Fenton, who has always been fascinated by the tales of Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins.
Fenton lives a quiet life in the Shire, but one day he receives a mysterious letter from an unknown sender. The letter contains a map and a riddle that leads Fenton to believe that a great treasure is hidden somewhere in Middle-earth.
Determined to uncover the treasure, Fenton sets off on a perilous journey through Middle-earth, encountering many dangers along the way. He is joined by a group of unlikely allies, including a dwarf named Gorm and an elf named Elora.
As they travel deeper into the heart of Middle-earth, they discover that the treasure they seek is not just a pile of gold and jewels, but a powerful artifact that has the potential to destroy all of Middle-earth if it falls into the wrong hands.
Fenton and his companions must race against time to reach the artifact before a powerful sorcerer named Varnath can get his hands on it. Along the way, they must navigate treacherous terrain, fight off dangerous creatures, and face their own fears and doubts.
As the group reaches the artifact, they are met with a fierce battle against Varnath and his army of dark creatures. Fenton and his companions use all of their strength and cunning to defeat Varnath and destroy the artifact before it can unleash its destructive power on Middle-earth.
In the end, Fenton returns home to the Shire, a hero in the eyes of his people. He realizes that his journey was not just about finding treasure, but about discovering his own courage and strength.